Monday, January 30, 2012

Be s.t.i.l.l. and }know{ .....

Christ is always here with us. Even when it seems like there is a distance between you and Him. We must learn seek Him First above all.. We must seek Him out in ALL we do.
 Sometimes I get all caught up in what's going on around me and forget to be still.

He is so good to me, so sweet and is it that I so easily forget to be still? To listen. And know that He is God. People will always disappoint you, but God NEVER will!

In His Word God commands us to be still... (Ps. 46:10)It's an amazing thing when you actually stop and "be still". When you acknowledge Him. When you read a beautiful Psalm. When you stop to look at what He's actually doing in the lives and situations around you.
He is so Mighty and Powerful, but He is also that Soft and Gentle voice that whispers His Truths and His Promises right to your heart.... if only we would block out the world and turn from it, whole-heartily, to see HIM in all things."Come, behold the works of the Lord..." Ps 46:8 To quiet our soul and come, humbled before Him.
"O taste and see that the Lord is good..." Ps. 34:8

"When Peace like a river attendeth my way...... it is well! It is well with my soul!"


  1. One of my favorite verses! Great reminder!

  2. Hi Gianna, I just found your blog yesterday and it has been a huge encouragement and a blessing to me. I love reading all of it. God is so good to us.
