Tuesday, June 28, 2011


...was a good day. {sigh}
To some it was just an ordinary day, but to me.... it was a special kind of day in it's own little way.
Two of my nieces (Allison & Sophia) spent the night at our house. It's always so much fun when the nieces can sleep over! When the nephews are here, they just stay with my brothers, but when the nieces are here they want to be around me! {smiles}

We started out our day with some sunshine and swimming.... and a little bit of trampoline.... ;) And pretty much did that all afternoon, too....

We also hung some towels on the line.

And to end the beautiful day, we went for a walk. Does a bike, scooter and roller blades count as a "walk"?

Ya know, they're always saying the corn is "knee high by the 4th of July", but it's always so much taller..... or at least to me it is...


We picked "sugar flowers"...... ;)

We raced down the hill.... obviously I was losing... ;)

I am so thankful to live in the country. There's really nothing better....

Happy Tuesday Folks!

"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein," Ps. 24:1

1 comment:

  1. Gianna, I love this post!! It makes me miss summer at home a lot! Beautiful pictures :)

    Stephanie <3
