Sunday, May 1, 2011

~The Emancipation of Womanhood~

"The emancipation of womanhood began with Christianity and it ends with Christianity. . . .

When women in this country achieved equality with men it was accomplished only by stepping down from the pedestal on which Christianity, chivalry, and idealism had placed her. . . .

So she copied the vices of men---in the name of progress!
But it is not progress to go in a downward direction.

It is not progress to lower moral standards and to
lose ideals!
No woman ever became lovelier by losing her essential

loading ...

There is no substitute for goodness . . .
nothing can take the place of purity.
To be sweet is far better than to be sophisticated.

America needs young women who will build true homes, Whether they live in two rooms---or ten . . .
whether starched white organdy curtains hang at the windows---or silk damask.

We need homes where harassed husbands may find peace
refreshment of body and soul . . .
where children may find the warmth of love . . .
where friends may find hospitality, graciousness and joy.

Only out of such homes will go men with strength and courage to help the United States build a new and a better world.
To make such homes is therefore, any woman's supreme contribution to her country and to her generation..."

~Catherine Marshall

1 comment:

  1. Gianna I LOVE THIS!!! This is so beautiful! THANK YOU!!! What wonderful statements and reminders! Such truth! ... BTW I miss you!
