“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” –James 1:2-3
Well…. If there was ever a week that God has worked on my heart the most, it would definitely be now. The Journey to the Heart week was intense, but this one…… pretty much blows it out of the water. It was that quiet wrestling match that goes on in your heart. –For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.-- God is doing a work in my heart and that is the best thing for me at this time. This “incident” didn’t just happen, God has brought me to this for a reason… to draw me closer to Himself!
At first I was thinking, “why”?! Why did this have to happen now? Couldn’t it wait for a different time? =P I mean, I was already “going through” something else, why another on top of that?! Every time I think I’ve “overcome” something, or I think I’ve “graduated” from that certain something, God shows me that I am in a continual learning stage. You never graduate from the Lord’s school. He will always be teaching me… humbling me…. breaking me…. making me more like Him. And for that, I am truly thankful. “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son…” {Rom. 8:29}
“We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair.” {2 Cor. 4:8}
It is good for us to go through trials. It means we must die to self, empty out completely of our own desires so that God can fill us with Himself.{2 Cor. 3:15} And by His grace and mercy, His desires will then soon become our desires.
If you are not--(and this is another thing God has shown me lately)—learning something new, having to dig deeper in the Scriptures, having to wait on the Lord and rest in Him, holding onto and claiming His Truths…… then you are not where you should be Spiritually. If you are not shaken up a bit every once in a while, if you feel like you’re at a “stand still” in your walk with Him, then be afraid. It means that you have forgotten Him. It means you have allowed the petty things of this world to come in between your relationship with your Heavenly Father. {Rom. 12:2} God is always there. It is we who stray from Him. He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Don’t Give Up! Fight the good fight of Faith! {1 Tim. 6:12a} Endure the hardships as a good soldier of the Cross! {2 Tim. 2:3}
God is Faithful. No matter what He brings you to, no matter what the trial, He will always carry out His promise, His Truths, His Word, His love… “even to the very end.” And that is a guarantee! =]
So in short…. God’s been workin’ on me! I hope that in some small way this was an encouragement to you. Somehow in some way. If not, and you didn’t really read the whole post (I know, it’s kind of long), and you’re just now scrolling down to the bottom to see the “bottom line”, just know this…..
God works everything out for good! ……..no matter what it is! =]
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,
to those who are called according to His purpose.” {Rom. 8:28}