Monday, January 17, 2011

“Prayer is not a preparation for work, it is the work. Prayer is not preparation for the battle, it is the battle” -Oswald Chambers

So many times we pray before the matter, but then seem to forget about it DURING the work or the battle. Yet, prayer IS the work and it IS the battle! It is your spirit communicating with God!! The Almighty Father!  It amazes me that we can get so close to God.....
I had read this quote a while back and thought it was really good and so true, but I didn't fully  and completely understand it until Caleb's brain surgery. There were so many people praying for Caleb and our family before during and now after the surgery, that I couldn't even count them if I tried! I am so thankful to each and everyone of you who prayed for him and our family!! May God richly bless you all!! 

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