"run 78 miles a day",
"eat salads for 45 days straight",
"travel around the world in 10 days... on my bike... blindfolded.",
"climb Mt Everest in a half an hour",
"learn to play guitar, violin, cello, banjo, piano, harp, harmonica, jaw harp, mandolin and kazoo in a week.... tops!"
.............I mean, come on! Seriously? Yes, it is good to set goals for yourself... I'm all for it! But when I read an article about some of these outrageous and ridiculous resolutions, I was pretty surprised, to say the least!
Just be thankful for another year of life. Enjoy each minute as it comes and stop beating yourself up for not drinking 456,852 glasses of water a day and for not putting your full 8 hrs of exercise in! Oh yeah, and remember....... don't waste $4500 on a treadmill that you KNOW you're only going to use 3 times before you put it on craigslist and eBay!
So here's my resolution.. it's not a new year's resolution, but for lack of a better word, I'm going to use resolution.... ;)
I'm going to (or at least try to)....
... probably do a little more of this. Can you believe that I, Gianna, am saying this?!
Don't you just love my PINK John Deere cup? ...try super hard to shoot more often! And I'm really hoping (and praying!) to get my hunting license this year!
Well, ya know... one can only hope! =]
And so there you have it folks. My rendition of a New Year's Resolution. As you can see, I'm not very fond of them. But it you are, don't let me stop you! Go right on ahead with your goals! I just hope you follow through with 'em..... ;)